Neuromuscular Integration

Body therapy workers in the industry like to throw around words like “Myofascia” and “Neuromuscular” not just because they sound fancy but also because they define a certain type of body work. Today I want to talk about Neuromuscular Integration as it relates to my practice.

Neuromuscular Integration creates a change in a body’s physical, structural alignment and brings balance by releasing and working with the fascia. Fascia is connective tissue, and myofascia is the connective tissue concerning the muscles. It wraps around our muscles and through our muscles, giving them their shape and tone. Through injury, age, dehydration, overwork and body habits this fascia will tend to stick together and create adhesions, limiting the muscles from moving independently and in full function. Since this forces muscles to move in whole muscle groups rather than as individual muscles, our bodies become out of balance, and we feel pain in our bodies. This also uses our energy supplies and depletes our immune systems, as well as inhibits our lymph and circulatory systems.

Through structural bodywork (aka therapeutic massage) a rebalanced individual becomes more efficient in movement, healthier, more resistant to disease and injury, and experiences fewer aches and pains. As the body becomes increasingly flexible every day tasks become easier, and life becomes more fulfilling and enjoyable.

Everyone deserves to live in the present with joy, without pain or restriction. One way to access that center of balance is through the body, which is inseparable from the mind and spirit.

It is my goal to help others come home to themselves and live without pain, with compassion, and at ease with their environment.


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